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Where does the Party Pedaler begin and end?All of our tours begin and end in the same locations. -Strip District/Lawrenceville tours begin and end at 2524 Penn Ave. You most likely will see the bike on the street (it is big and yellow after all), but if you don’t, our garage is located across the street from a shop called Kindred Cycles. -The starting location is 20 E. General Robinson Street - our location is off of Vulan Way, across the street from the Andy Warhol museum. Due to unpredictable events/road closures on the North Shore, and to provide you with the best experience possible, our North Shore tour has one starting location with options of routes. If you would like to customize your starting location, the following fees will be applied: All custom starting locations must be approved by the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler prior to booking the tour. 10 mile radius – $75 35 miles or greater – 4 hour rental minimum 100 miles or greater – full day rental minimum
Where can I park?For our Strip District/Lawrenceville tours, there is unmetered street parking 25th St. and higher. During peak hours, street parking may be more difficult to find. Click here to see the closest parking garages/lots. For our North Shore tours, there are many different parking garages to choose from. Click here to go to Park PGH, which gives you up to date information about pricing and spot availability in the garages. You can also download the ParkPGH app. If it is a non-event day there is metered street parking, which is free after 6 pm.
How long is the tour?All tours are two hours. We do not extend tours or allow the purchasing of multiple time slots.
Does the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler have bathrooms at the starting location?Unforunately we do not have bathrooms available. The North Shore Parking Garage has rest rooms that are in their lobby that are usually available. If you have any trouble locating them, please ask our team members for directions. We like to be good neighbors, so you will notice in our waiver that there is a fine associated with public urination.
Does the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler supply food or beverages?No. Riders may bring on any permissible food or beverages they wish. There is plenty of room for a cooler or two and storage racks above your head. It’s a great idea to check with your driver during your introductory phone call (a few days before your tour).
How many people ride? How many pedal?The Pittsburgh Party Pedaler carries 16 passengers, plus the driver. There are 10 pedaling seats, plus one non-pedaling seat over each of the rear wheels. There is also a bench in the back of the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler that seats three, plus one standee spot in the middle, for your host.
What are the differences between the routes?Please visit our routes page for details on each route. We are presently in three different neighborhoods and offer customizable routes in those areas. Feel free to call and inquire about additional neighborhoods; a transportation charge may apply.
What if it is cold, rainy or windy the day of the tour?"The Pittsburgh Party Pedaler operates rain, shine, or cold. We’re Pittsburghers – we can dress for the weather! If severe weather does occur, the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler reserves the right to cancel the tour and offer the renter a rain check. There will be no rain checks offered for rides once begun.
Do you provide a driver?Always. Our insurance provider requires it.
What if our tour takes too long?You will be charged a late fee if you do not return the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler to the starting point on time. This will also impact every tour that is scheduled after yours so please be considerate. Your driver has a good idea how long it will take to get around. As long as you’re willing to pedal and listen to your driver, there shouldn’t be an issue. $100: 10-15 minutes late $200: 15-20 minutes late $300: 20-25 minutes late $385: 25-30 minutes late $500: 30-60 minutes late $500/hr: 60+ minutes late
Who should rent the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler?The Pittsburgh Party Pedaler is a great way for any group to get out and party while pedaling! A few examples of groups who have rented the Party Pedaler include: Corporations for team building Pub Crawls Parades (We are an instant parade float!) Tailgating for Pirates and Steelers games and concerts Church outings Singles mixers Company parties Conventions Sports teams Picnics Family reunions, you name it…
Who shouldn't rent the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler?If you are allergic to the outdoors, hate even the slightest form of anything remotely resembling exercise, or don’t want to be seen pedaling a 16-person bike around town then this probably isn't for you.
Who can't ride the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler?There is a 300 pound weight limit for the bike seats and a minimum height requirement of 5’3″ for the standard pedaling seat. Wait! Not so fast – 3 of the pedaling seats adjust 3″ down, 2 seats above the rear tire do not require pedaling, and the back bench is perfect for those who don’t exist within the height and weight limitations. No excuses! Join in the fun. All riders must be at least 18 years of age and provide valid identification. Family members between the ages of 16-18 will be allowed to ride with a parent.
Who's in charge of the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler?The driver. If you act in a dangerous manner, you’ll be asked to get off and find your own way home. You can imagine the difficulty we had finding insurance for this thing in America. We need to keep it. The renter. Only one person can be a renter (the person whose credit card is on the line) and that person is the only person the driver answers to. Can you imagine 16 people arguing about when to leave the bar? We don’t want our drivers getting in the middle of that!
What's up with the liability waiver and offering bike helmets?Riding the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler can be a dangerous activity, just like riding any bike. Proper precautions need to be taken to avoid injury. We offer bike helmets because it’s prudent. You don’t have to wear one—that’s totally up to you. But you do take responsibility if you bump your noggin’.
Have there been problems in the past with people falling off?We have never had a problem or anything close to it. In the 10 years that Zwier and Henk have been running 15 Party Pedalers around Amsterdam, there was only one fairly significant injury. A woman tried to jump off while the Party Pedaler was moving and broke her ankle. A totally different attitude persists regarding personal responsibility in other parts of the world – if you do something stupid, it is your own fault. Her friends brought her to the hospital and she didn’t sue anyone.
When do I pay? How do I pay?The renter pays when the tour is booked, regardless of how far in advance. A tour is not reserved until both the payment is processed and you receive a confirmation email. You can pay by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or cash, of course!
Can I buy a gift certificate?Yes! You can buy a gift certficate for the amount of your choice. Please just click the "Gift Certificates" button at the top of the page or by calling 412-228-7476.
What if I want to cancel or reschedule?If for some reason you really need to cancel 30 or more days prior to the tour date (we can’t imagine why!), the renter has the choice of receiving a 50% refund or a rain check valid for 3 months. Cancellations less than 30 days will receive a rain check valid for 3 months only. Cancellations less than 14 days. Sorry! No refund or rain check. We recommend that you get a firm commitment from your group prior to booking. Rain or shine!
Does the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler run all year long?We will go until you say no! (unless there is snow on the road)
What are the Party Pedaler's hours of operation?Hours of operation: Tuesday thru Saturday: 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM Sundays: 9:00 AM – 7:30PM Phone hours: 10 am – 7 pm The Party Pedaler can also be rented by special arrangement.
Can the Party Pedaler go up hills?If we stick to the little ones, it can. The Pittsburgh Party Pedaler was invented in the Netherlands, where it is very flat. Routes with grades greater than 5-6% for any extended distance may require riders to get off and push. None of the hills on our regular routes have required pushing (thus far….)
What's the least number of people required to operate the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler?The Pittsburgh Party Pedaler can move with just one on flat ground, but it isn’t be much fun unless you have six or more. The Pedaler has a capacity of 16 including 10 pedaling seats, so the more the merrier! We do require at least 8 seats to be booked on our "book a seat" tours for the tour to run.
What if I have a group larger than 16?No problem! We can accommodate your group with multiple bikes. ***For events involving more than two bikes, additional fees may apply.
What's the fastest the Party Pedaler can go?On flat roads, the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler travels at a maximum speed of approximately five miles per hour.
Can I make my own route for a Pittsburgh Party Pedaler tour?Yes, if it is not too hilly and not too heavily trafficked. There is also a transportation charge for custom routes to get the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler to the starting point. Travel on custom routes is completely at the discretion of the Pittsburgh Party Pedaler driver. Roads that are too hilly, too busy, or otherwise inappropriate may be refused.
Can you play music on this thing?Oh yeah – we come equipped with a radio, CD player, and AUX (headphone) jack plus a great sound system. Feel free to bring your own tunes to listen to as you party and pedal.
Where can I find the liability waiver?The liability waiver can be found by clicking the button the in bottom right hand corner or by clicking here.
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